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antje duvekot(Aunt-yuh Doo-va-Kott)

Antje Duvekot

What I've been up to....

What I039ve been up to


I hope this finds you well. I figured it was time for a little update. It’s been a frantic two years of adapting to a rearranged world. It’s also brought so much into relief, kind of like a fast spinning centrifuge separating out the essentials. At the top of that blur for me lies gratitude for my community and for finding old and new ways of continuing to make art (thank you!). In addition to music, I’ve taken my creativity into teaching, mentoring and the visual arts of animation. It’s actually been a gift to expand my palette, and going for that meandering detour has oddly also fueled new music!

A bit like in farming, giving certain fields a rest can help them rebound. And so I have a full record written and am currently in the studio with it. For me, a record’s theme evolves organically. I think this one is about that actually - evolution. It seems these songs are about evolving past trauma and into power and some new form of thriving. My songs kind of tell me where I’m at and these ones feel very much older than its predecessors. Plus I am fabulously excited about the producer talent on this album (to be revealed).

On the animation front, I am currently working with a former high school teacher who has made it his mission to tell the story of his now deceased friend Abe Piasek, a holocaust survivor. Abe is a shining light from all that I have gotten to learn about him. I simply cannot believe how someone like Abe can retain the radiant sprit of a supernova after coming through such darkness. The dizzying contrast between the best of humanity and the worst of humanity constantly leaves me speechless. I feel honored to be part of the telling of his story. Here is a still from that upcoming animation (paper and cardboard).

And let us not forget… GIGS!!!

TOMORROW I am in Brooklyn, NY! (The Atlantic BKLN showtime 8:30pm)

March 19th I am at my home gig in Cambridge, MA:

CLUB PASSIM two shows! (5pm, 8pm) woohoo

I hope to see many of you soon!
